My sincere thanks to the first donors to our 2024 Catholic Exchange mission campaign. It was a good start, but we have a long way to go, and not long to accomplish it.
Our campaign ends at midnight on August 15th! Please help us reach our goal. Each donation is tax-deductible and goes directly toward keeping our nonprofit running and growing.
As your new editor, I am devoted to the nurturing and growth of this wonderful apostolate, now in its 23rd year. I am learning a lot from my predecessors, including that this responsibility is a shared one; it rests not only on my shoulders but on yours as well.
Every year since 2001, readers like you have stepped up and made Catholic Exchange part of their annual giving. And many souls have been strengthened, and even saved, as a result. It’s always a giant blessing when a person is transformed in the Faith through our work, and we thank our benefactors for all their life-giving gifts and prayers over the years.
The Challenge Before Us
My experience in education and ministry has confirmed what the statistics show—that many of our churches and Catholic schools are not providing adequate faith formation.
So it is vitally important that we witness the Life and Love of Christ to others through our time, our gifts, and reliable Catholic resources such as Catholic Exchange. This is why we’re here!
I have had the opportunity to teach religion to elementary students, middle school students, and adults. It continues to be an incredibly rewarding experience, but I’ve had to accept that I can never hope to meet any individual’s full formation needs.
As I approached the end of my first year of teaching in the Bronx, I felt a certain distress. There was no way I’d taught my young students enough to prepare them spiritually for life in the world, where they are mere lambs among wolves! They needed so much more.
We all do. This is why I teach RCIA. Because we adults need regular instruction as well. The fact is, we all need to be fed each and every day.
Catholic Exchange exists to plant new seeds of faith and to water those already in place so they grow and flower.
My work here is for the thousands of Catholic “students” who journey to our pages each day to be fed—not just in the Bronx or in my Dallas RCIA program, but around the world.
Our portal draws two million unique readers each year and has nearly a half-million Facebook followers. So, because of your generosity, millions are being sustained and strengthened in their faith through Catholic Exchange!
Without your help many souls would be like defenseless lambs among wolves in the spiritual battle in which we’re all engaged, whether we realize it or not.
Will you support Catholic Exchange through a gift in the amount that’s right for you? If you are able, will you sponsor us for a week with a gift of $2,000? Or a full month for $8,000? That’s the cost of delivering this content to our global audience.
Your tax-deductible donations go directly to keeping our 23 year-old nonprofit serving God, the Church, and our fellow man.
While one person cannot “control” another’s growth in faith, that person can provide guidance, which in turn can lead to holy curiosity, reconciliation, healing, conversion, and reconversion.
The thousands who have donated to Catholic Exchange over the years have increased exponentially the opportunity for these moments of curiosity and conversion to occur.
You can likewise change lives for the better! You too can be a seed sower!
If you are able to become a monthly contributor to Catholic Exchange, you would be giving us the clearest path to the stability and predictability we need to reach souls and change lives. Please consider this.
It’s all about our witness of love. His Love. Have you shared Him with this vulnerable world in some way this week? A gift to Catholic Exchange would be a powerful way to do so.
I thank you for your prayers and your generosity, and I encourage you to shine your light and share the Faith in this simple but meaningful way!
You can donate online
You can send a check to:
Catholic Exchange
PO Box 5284
Manchester, NH 03108
You can donate by phone at:
Photo by Big G Media on Unsplash
Seeking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary through prayer