[gtranslate] Saint Margaret of Antioch - Eglise Catholique Saint James (Saint Jacques)

Saint Margaret of Antioch

Saint Margaret of Antioch

Saint Margaret of Antioch, also known as Marina, was born in the late 3rd century in Antioch, Syria. Raised as a Christian, Margaret dedicated herself to God from a young age and vowed to remain chaste. She refused marriage proposals and faced persecution under the Roman Emperor Diocletian for her Christian faith.

According to tradition, Margaret was tortured for her refusal to renounce Christianity. During her imprisonment, she allegedly faced a series of trials, including being swallowed by Satan in the form of a dragon. Margaret’s faith remained steadfast, and through her prayers, she miraculously emerged unharmed from the dragon’s belly, a symbol of her victory over evil.

Margaret’s courage and unwavering faith impressed many, leading to numerous conversions among her captors and witnesses to her ordeal. Despite her miraculous escape, Margaret was eventually martyred for her refusal to denounce Christ, likely in the early 4th century.


  • Lesson 1: Courage in Faith: Saint Margaret’s fearless commitment to Christ despite persecution teaches us the importance of courage and steadfastness in our own faith journeys. Her example inspires us to remain faithful and resilient in the face of adversity, trusting in God’s protection and providence.
  • Lesson 2: Purity and Commitment: Margaret’s dedication to chastity and her refusal to compromise her beliefs underscore the value of purity and commitment in our relationships with God and others. Her life challenges us to uphold moral integrity and to embrace God’s call to holiness with conviction.

Prayer to Saint Margaret of Antioch:

O God, who gave Saint Margaret of Antioch the grace to overcome adversity and remain faithful unto death, grant us, we pray, the courage to imitate her virtues. Through her intercession, may we grow in faith and purity, trusting in Your divine protection and love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Seeking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary through prayer