God created all living creatures as well as every material thing for a natural purpose. A bird was made to fly; a fish made to swim; the sun to rise and set, to transmit light and heat. The human person, in the words of St. Ignatius of Loyola, was created to praise God, reverence God, and serve God in this life so as to save his soul for all eternity. This being the case, what is the natural or primary purpose of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, established by the Second Person of the Holy Trinity?
The very heart and essence can be summarized in the Doxology, after the Consecration when the priest lifts up the paten and chalice and prays:
Through Him, and with Him and in Him, O God Almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, for ever and ever.
In Ignatian spirituality this might be termed a Eucharistic Principle and Foundation—the very purpose of the Mass as well as of our existence! There is no other action on earth that can render God more honor, glory, and praise than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
This prayer, including the priest’s gesture during it, contains great significance. As the consecrated Host is being elevated, extraordinary things are happening. Allow me to explain:
- Jesus is truly Present. Jesus is truly present now in the hands of the priest in His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. It is not a symbolic presence, but His Real Presence. So let us call out to Him, Emmanuel, meaning “God is with us!”
- We praise God the Father. God the Father is praised most highly through the Mass, the highest form of prayer that exists. The highest choirs of angels in heaven, the Seraphim and the Cherubim, are before the Triune God in praise for all eternity. Through the Doxology, we imitate these lofty angels in praising God most highly!
- We make the Perfect Offering. In the gesture of the Doxology, Jesus is lifted on the paten and in the chalice, in the same way He was lifted on the Cross. We praise and offer God the Father Jesus His Son by re-presenting in the Mass the same perfect offering of the holy Cross. We re-offer Jesus to the Father until the end of time, the perfect sacrifice for the salvation of all sinners.
- We witness the power of the Holy Spirit. It is actually the Holy Spirit who through His power transforms the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus. Let us allow the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our own lives.
- We proclaim the Great Amen. After the priest prays the Doxology, the Assembly gives a resounding assent through the Great Amen. May it be said or sung with an ardent fervor that imitates the angels in heaven!
In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and most specifically in the Doxology, we are called to praise, glorify, and worship God the Father through the offering of God the Son by the power of the Holy Spirit.
May the Doxology characterize our whole lives. May we constantly praise God, offer ourselves with Jesus to the Father and be motivated and transformed by the sanctifying presence of the Holy Spirit.
Photo by Theresa Vasquez Photography
Seeking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary through prayer