[gtranslate] Your letters: Women deacons, Network, Heritage and Palestine - Eglise Catholique Saint James (Saint Jacques)

Your letters: Women deacons, Network, Heritage and Palestine

Your letters: Women deacons, Network, Heritage and Palestine

Following are NCR reader responses to recent news articles, opinion columns and theological essays with letters that have been edited for length and clarity.

Women deacons

This is in support of the opinion article by Fr. Dan Horan in which he says it is time to ordain women to the diaconate (ncronline.org, Sept. 5, 2024). This would be a step in the direction of treating women as equals to men. This would not be merely a response to the shortage of clergy or the reality of so many women leaving Church affiliation. It would be simply a matter of saying that men and women are to be treated equally within the institution of the Church. And to the diaconate, I would add the issue of priesthood. All the arguments against ordaining women have never made complete sense to me. We are all baptized into the Body of Christ. Period.

Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin


Network vs. Heritage

Wow, Brian Fraga’s article on the Catholic Network Advocates for Social Justice is a great resource to understand that vile document from the Heritage Foundation (ncronline.org, Sept. 3, 2024). Project 2025 reeks of White Supremacy and Christian nationalism. The Network Advocates offer their own superb 17-page analysis of the autocratic intent of Heritage to devastate our Democratic governance as we know it.

Project 2025 is the brainchild of Heritage CEO Kevin Roberts, a zealous Catholic member of Opus Dei; a strange cheerleader for a document so antithetical to Christian charity.

Another great resource for analysis of Project 2025 is the Global Project against Hate and Extremism.

Palo Alto, California


CST and Palestine?

If the Network Advocates for Catholic Social Justice consider the proposed Heritage Foundation plan, Project 2025, a possible clash with Catholic social justice principles how do they view the present US complicity with the genocide of Palestinians (ncronline.org, Sept. 3, 2024)?  Does this massacre violate social justice principles? A bigger question is who do we Roman Catholics vote for president if we in conscience cannot vote for Harris or Trump? We all know that 3rd party candidates have no chance of winning and that either Harris or Trump will win. It is no wonder that the young are abandoning the Catholic faith!     

Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Turning to the Blessed Virgin Mary in prayer